Saturday, July 30, 2005


The past couple days I was up in beautiful central California camping with my dad and my two brothers. I will admit it was very boring almost the whole way up and back, but there were a few highlights but enough of that. I am writing this because of something that accrued to me while I was in Morro Bay California. For those of you who have never been they’re its very beautiful.

Well as we were driving on highway one past Morro Bay you look out to the left and you look out over the ocean and you see miles away just beautiful ocean, trees, beach, and Morro Rock, a giant rock hundreds of feet high towers over the ocean, and its an amazing sight to see just breath taking especially the huge ugly power plant that obstructs and distracts you form the true beauty of the earth that God created. And I got to thinking we totally diminish Gods glory by taking away from his beauty by masking it with something else other than what he had desired. I cant speak for God nor do I think that I might have 1 billionth of his insight but I think he might of like the view over Morro Bay, Morro Rock and the Pacific ocean better with out the huge power plant and its three smoke stacks.

And as I got to think its not just Morro Bay that we mask, but other things in life and in relationships. The next example I give is somewhat pg-13 so for you youngins you might not want to read on. Sex God created sex to be something shared between a man and his wife a beautiful intimate experience meant to draw them together and make them one. “A man leaves his parents to be with his wife and they will be one flesh”. If I were to ask 10 teenagers what they though sex was it would most likly be none of the things God meant it to be. Sex is something fun you do with other people and enjoy it or maybe sex I something you do with your bf or gf, or worse you do it at parties or orgies. See society has put a mask on sex that is hurting everybody who sees it, like a hideous Halloween mask that leaves images in everybody who saw its mind. Society is masking something God meant to be beautiful and amazing with something casual and normal for everybody to do when they want to.

I don’t know about you but I think it is time for us to pull of the masks we have put on Gods glory and Gods creations and let that real beauty shine through

Monday, July 18, 2005


Well I came home from yli on Saturday and today was the first real day back that I was fully immersed with other people. See I had water polo practice today and I was hanging with my buddies from my team who happen to be my old buddy's and they were talking about things that they had done the night before and how they were hangover and it made me reminisce and at that point I think I realized how hard that this was going to be to change my ways.

one verse that really comes to mind right now is
James 1:2-8
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he ask, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave in the see, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive antything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

I know that its not going to be an easy road but I know that God will pull me though it. My trials if you will with social pressure and struggling to separate myself form the world and worldly matter will make me stronger and more Christ like. I know that if I ask him for wisdom and understanding as well as any other discipline I might need in my journey closer to him I can receive form him by asking with a confident heart, confident in his power love and grace.

Lord o God help me to not conform to the things that people are doing around me, help me to be more like you and to have strength and courage as I go out into a world out to suck me back in. Lord thank you for getting me this far and thank you for your great love for I deserve neither, Lord help me to continue my journey. In your holy name


Sunday, July 17, 2005


ok i was readign a post on nat barnes blog and it made me think. ok well i just got home from the TEAM Confrence at APU, which is a leadership camp for juniors and seniors. Nathan and MIke were two of the guys who spoke regularly the past week and i think very highly of both of them. now i relized while reading his blog that i had spent more of my enery praising if you will them for their knowledge and insight than i was praising God for the insight he spoke through them. if Nathan reads this sorry for taking your subject but it hit me hard.

i think today people get so waped up in worldly things that they forget that God created all those things that they love so much. it is writen in the bible "thou shall have no Gods befor me" but see i think we all need to realize one thing that has been said so many times that its not just gods or people but anything that we hold hight than God. in my case i was holding speakers higher than god as if they gained their knowledge on their own accord when God gave them the breath to speak.

material things toys computers games electronics all sorts of things can hinder your walk with Christ just by taking time away from him and taking his Glory and giving credit to sombody else. when you listen to a song you like you give credit to the writer who put is pencil to the paper and wrote it and then performed, right? but think about this nomater what he wrote about God created it, Everything you see touch feel or experience God created it. theirfor Gods glory is shown in everything you see. i believe that we owe our wonderful God a whole mess of credit for everything that we have and ever will have

Father, please help us to give you credite in everything for you created everything. Lord help me to see you in all i have and all i am for you are there. lord i loe you and help me to be more like you. in my great saviors name

homosexual marriage

this is a essay i wrote for my english class that i though i would share with everybody because i think it is a good and gives a good idea of my beliefs on gay marraige and on homosexuality. for those of you who just want the opinion here it is, homosexuality is a sin like any other sin therefor i belive that it is a choice that people make. therefor practicing homosexualitys wrong. i belive that if we allow homosexual marriage that it will further condon homosexualitys to americans as well as those around the world.

In the Biblical book of Leviticus, Chapter 20, verse 13, it states “if a man lies with a man like one lies with a women, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood is on their own heads”(Bible). In that same chapter it says the same thing about man sleeping with animals, if homosexuality was really ethical do you not think that God would not think so poorly upon it. In our society today homosexuals are constantly fighting for their equal rights and comparing their fight like those of the women’s rights movement and the equal rights movement of the minorities, but they unlike those in the past are in control of who they are and what lifestyle they choose to live. As time goes on the debate of homosexual marriage grows ever stronger and we as human beings must step back and react to what is happening in our society for the sake of our future and the morality of generations to come. Do you really want your kids and your grandchildren to believe that practicing an unnatural lifestyle is acceptable? If we the people of this country do not stand up against homosexual marriage, we will not only be harming ourselves but also the future generations of our great country.

Pro homosexual marriage people use scientific explanations to say that they cannot control their sexuality, that it is genetic, or that they have the right to be who they want to be in America, the land of the free. It says in the bill of rights that we have the freedom to pursue happiness (bill of rights). They are regular people and deserve the same rights as other people. They should be allowed to marry if they want because it will make them happy. Studies have shown that homosexuals have different hormones or different brain patterns (Dr. Cameron). It’s a natural behavior that cannot be changed. Changing their behavior would just be trying to fool society.

Marriage is a sacred union of a man and women who love each other so much that they feel privileged to be with one another for the rest of their lives for better or worse. Why further disgrace this bond by allowing homosexuals to wed? Merriam and Webster’s dictionary definition of marriage is “A: the state of being united to the person of the opposite sex as a husband or a wife. B: the mutual relationship between a husband and a wife” (Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary). A natural marriage is between a man and a woman, they will then at some point (if ready) start a family. If it was meant for men to be with men and women to be with women do you not think there would be a way for them to start a family? As far back as biblical times, marriage has always been between a man and a woman. Law or God punished any other relationship. In a study done in the 1983 by the FRI (family research institution), 65% of the homosexuals survey believed that their lifestyle was learned and that they were not gay because of hereditary traits. Interestingly this survey was done before the so-called gay rights movement that is sweeping and corrupting our society. We as human beings for the safety of our race’s survival and dignity we must not allow homosexuals to further destroy our society and our morals.

If we allow gay marriage then we will just be allowing unnatural relationships to be pursued and presumed to be ok. In a study by Simon LeVay, he found that after a period of time in which patients who wanted to change their sexuality went though therapy that they felt cured and could either carry out a normal heterosexual life or fight their temptation by persons of the same sex (Simon LeVay). If a life style is not desirable or wrong a person can choose to change himself or herself into a person that they want to be. Why should we allow them to carry on with an unethical and immoral lifestyle when they have to ability to change it? “No one has found a single heredible genetic, hormonal or physical difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals - at least none that is replicable” (Dr. Cameron). Lets say that homosexuality gets proven and linked with a genetic trait. Now some genes control your appearance or can make you more susceptible to other traits, might they be psychological or mental. But do you not have choice in who you are and who you will become. It has been shown in tests that people can be born with a gene that contributes to alcoholism, but society still looks down upon the man when he is drunk in the street, can he not change his behavior or avoid situations in which he will drink?

If you were to walk the city streets of LA or New York you will see not only gays and gay bars but there are gay parts of towns that are dominated by gay businesses and gay people, and as homosexuality becomes more acceptable more homosexuals are appearing in our towns cities and in some cases homes. As more people begin to accept homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle more and more people are coming out of the “closet” or becoming homosexual (Margaret O. Hyde & Elizabeth H. Forsyth). Now more than ever it is important to emphasize the fact that homosexuality is a immoral lifestyle and we should not allow two of them to get married which would not only lower the value of marriage, which is already growing low with the constant divorce rate. We cannot afford to encourage people to accept them with their unnatural way of life at our cost. Over the past few decades the population of homosexuals has grown and will continue to grow at and even higher rate if we allow them to legally wed, further deteriating our already growing immoral society. Most homosexuals today were approached by an older person of the same sex during their adolescence (Dr. Cameron). As the populations of gays in the current generations grow the generations to come will have a higher infestation of gays, because gays are more likely to “rub off” on younger people whose minds are easily molded If we do not stop this in its tracks our kids will be more likely to be approached by an adult off the same sex for the purpose of sexual satisfaction on their part, I don’t know about you but I do not want my future kids to be exposed to that or be approached at anytime for such a disgusting act.

I also don’t want my future kids, nieces and nephews, even my grandchildren and any children in general to grow up believing it to be ok and get sexually touched or molested and believe it to be ok because that’s how they grew up, accepting homosexuality. In an article from the American association of child and adolescent psychiatric it was stated, “because of society’s changing views on homosexuality, more people are beginning to accept it and people, especially teens, are believing it to be ok”(Gay and lesbian adolescents). If we allow gay marriages to infest our country it will only tell our future generations that we the elders in society felt that it was ok and that it belonged in our country. God shows very clearly his hate for the homosexual lifestyle (not the people) and are we not to be more like God? So why should we fall further short of his glory by making it legal for homosexuals to get married? “Jude 7: in a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as and example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire”(Bible). For those who do not know, Sodom and Gomorrah were cities in the Old Testament that were full of homosexuality and were destroyed by God for it. In the passage it says that they (the homosexuals) serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire, personally I do not believe that God would allow a human made in his own image (Genesis) to be born condemned to suffering the punishment of eternal fire.

It is in our hands, the current generations, to get up and out of our comfort zone and fight this invasion of immoral lifestyles from further destruction of our society. If we do not act now our children and their children will feel the affect of our mistakes in their even more immoral society. We cannot stand here and allow these people to infest and possibly even pursued a loved one or friend in to committing a detestable sin (Leviticus 20:13). If we continue to condone the behavior and marriage of homosexuals and fail to stop them from further infiltrating our society, the generations following ours will be affected and even more heavily infested. With that in mind, stand up and stop the marriage of homosexuals for the sake of society, your family, loved ones, and future generations!