whats God got to do with Love
So over the last few months this is some thing that I have been wrestling with. Its common knowledge that as humans love is something that we all want to find. As human beings we want to be loved and we love to love other people. But how can you define love with out just saying I love them. Because it seems that is the best way to describe your feelings to one another. According to dictionary.com there are twenty some definitions for love. The first one “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.” But I don’t think that’s it. The one I like is a definition from Webster’s dictionary, it is this “the fatherly concern of God for humankind”. So then I asked my self can I have that kind of love or another person, can I really have the fatherly love that god has in my life. I’m still not sure. But this is what I think. I don’t think I can have that love I don’t think I have the ability to do it. we have the ability to open up the greatest loves story of all time and find out what love really is and most of the time we are to busy or to lazy to pick it up and read. I am guilty. God in his very nature is love, what says I love you greater than sacrifice. Sacrifice some thing I don’t want to do, every time some body says “you’re just going to have to make a sacrifice” it means I get to lose one thing for another. The problem is Jesus Sacrificed and he didn’t get anything else. It wasn’t even his sacrifice to make. I heard a sermon a few weeks ago about the Lords Prayer, it pointed out that one translation of the forgive us our sins says forgive us our debts. I like that one, one point they made was when somebody wrongs us or screws up it’s always you owe me now, what are you going to do to make this up to me. We have debt Jesus paid it. That’s like if you crash your car because you speeding and you owe 10 grand in damages and your friend pays for you, except instead of paying as time goes by you would have paid with an eternity in hell. God really did step down and save us, ultimate sacrifice. God is love.
So this summer I had this idea that I have been wrestling with. When you are attracted to somebody what is it that you’re attracted to? In reality it’s a lot of things, but for me one stands out. In January I parted ways after being in a long term relationship with a really great girl, and I remember when we first met, I remember what I like most, I saw something that I didn’t see much in high school, a girl who knew what she believed. She loved Jesus and I saw it in the way she acted. That alone was like a catalyst on my adoration. It seemed to me I was attracted most to the God that resided inside her. Now that I reflect and I look back, I see that all the things I have ever like in a girl have been qualities of God. People Quote the Bible on what love is all the time, I see it on cards, posters, and walls all over America, its 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” This pretty much sums up the things that I like in a girl a part form the physical but even then it is a gift from God and if we believe that the bible is truth, then when we look at each other we are looking at the image of God. So the question that I posed to my self is this, what if when we love some body that love really has nothing to do with them but really the God inside them. What If I really don’t love you, what if in reality I am in love and desire the God that you have in you. Now then I would like to say with that, it’s our choice how much God we let in, it’s our choice how much Love we let in to us. I want God and I want his love I desire everything about him even when I don’t want to or I don’t recognize that I do. Even in the mists of my wilderness I want God, when I love the forest and I still think the wilderness is a fun place to be, I want God. Nobody says they seek a jealous girlfriend, nobody wants a liar and a cheat, and nobody wants to date a jerk. We all want to date God, we all want to be in love, and I find the best people, the people that we all want to be in love with just might be the guy or girl who lets themselves be subversive and allow God to be seen in them rather than them selves. I know that I would rather be the guy that God wants me to be than the jerk that I really am. I hope that you do too.
Please I’m still chewing through this and I’m not to sure of it all it’s sort of stuck in the processing phase I would love to have some comments and we could all discus this and journey together. That’s why God created us, so God my Father, My Great Creator, what do you think about all this!!! I desire to love you with the love that you gave me!
So this summer I had this idea that I have been wrestling with. When you are attracted to somebody what is it that you’re attracted to? In reality it’s a lot of things, but for me one stands out. In January I parted ways after being in a long term relationship with a really great girl, and I remember when we first met, I remember what I like most, I saw something that I didn’t see much in high school, a girl who knew what she believed. She loved Jesus and I saw it in the way she acted. That alone was like a catalyst on my adoration. It seemed to me I was attracted most to the God that resided inside her. Now that I reflect and I look back, I see that all the things I have ever like in a girl have been qualities of God. People Quote the Bible on what love is all the time, I see it on cards, posters, and walls all over America, its 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” This pretty much sums up the things that I like in a girl a part form the physical but even then it is a gift from God and if we believe that the bible is truth, then when we look at each other we are looking at the image of God. So the question that I posed to my self is this, what if when we love some body that love really has nothing to do with them but really the God inside them. What If I really don’t love you, what if in reality I am in love and desire the God that you have in you. Now then I would like to say with that, it’s our choice how much God we let in, it’s our choice how much Love we let in to us. I want God and I want his love I desire everything about him even when I don’t want to or I don’t recognize that I do. Even in the mists of my wilderness I want God, when I love the forest and I still think the wilderness is a fun place to be, I want God. Nobody says they seek a jealous girlfriend, nobody wants a liar and a cheat, and nobody wants to date a jerk. We all want to date God, we all want to be in love, and I find the best people, the people that we all want to be in love with just might be the guy or girl who lets themselves be subversive and allow God to be seen in them rather than them selves. I know that I would rather be the guy that God wants me to be than the jerk that I really am. I hope that you do too.
Please I’m still chewing through this and I’m not to sure of it all it’s sort of stuck in the processing phase I would love to have some comments and we could all discus this and journey together. That’s why God created us, so God my Father, My Great Creator, what do you think about all this!!! I desire to love you with the love that you gave me!