Saturday, July 30, 2005


The past couple days I was up in beautiful central California camping with my dad and my two brothers. I will admit it was very boring almost the whole way up and back, but there were a few highlights but enough of that. I am writing this because of something that accrued to me while I was in Morro Bay California. For those of you who have never been they’re its very beautiful.

Well as we were driving on highway one past Morro Bay you look out to the left and you look out over the ocean and you see miles away just beautiful ocean, trees, beach, and Morro Rock, a giant rock hundreds of feet high towers over the ocean, and its an amazing sight to see just breath taking especially the huge ugly power plant that obstructs and distracts you form the true beauty of the earth that God created. And I got to thinking we totally diminish Gods glory by taking away from his beauty by masking it with something else other than what he had desired. I cant speak for God nor do I think that I might have 1 billionth of his insight but I think he might of like the view over Morro Bay, Morro Rock and the Pacific ocean better with out the huge power plant and its three smoke stacks.

And as I got to think its not just Morro Bay that we mask, but other things in life and in relationships. The next example I give is somewhat pg-13 so for you youngins you might not want to read on. Sex God created sex to be something shared between a man and his wife a beautiful intimate experience meant to draw them together and make them one. “A man leaves his parents to be with his wife and they will be one flesh”. If I were to ask 10 teenagers what they though sex was it would most likly be none of the things God meant it to be. Sex is something fun you do with other people and enjoy it or maybe sex I something you do with your bf or gf, or worse you do it at parties or orgies. See society has put a mask on sex that is hurting everybody who sees it, like a hideous Halloween mask that leaves images in everybody who saw its mind. Society is masking something God meant to be beautiful and amazing with something casual and normal for everybody to do when they want to.

I don’t know about you but I think it is time for us to pull of the masks we have put on Gods glory and Gods creations and let that real beauty shine through


Blogger wellis68 said...

Great post!

Often we do cover up nature with our own things. Do you think maybe that's what God actually wants? Not necessarily the power plant but aren't we supposed to "subdue" and have "authority" in the Earth? God created a garden and said "Go." He told Man to go out and create and do whatever we wanted with His garden... He gave it to us. Now, we are supposed to be good stewards of the land but we are supposed to use it, right?

"In the beginnig God" created a Garden, in the end He makes "all things new." The Bible begins with a garden and Ends with a city. God doesn't erase the fingerprints of His people.

Just something to chew on.... by the way they probably could have put the power plant in a better place.

9:52 AM  

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